Pakistan Becomes Top Destination Of Waste Import>

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Pakistan Becomes Top Destination Of Waste Import

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The Senate Standing Committee on Climate Change on Thursday was left confounded when it discovered that the United Kingdom, Iran, United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, United States of America, Belgium, Germany, Spain, Canada and Italy, were the main 10 nations, individually, sending out waste to Pakistan.

The board of trustees was stunned to see the names of a portion of the cordial nations as well as those frequently found voicing worries on environmental change issues among the main 10 nations unloading their loss in Pakistan, addressing why nobody at any point protested "imported squander".

The words "imported squander" drew entertaining reactions from the council individuals as the political scene of the nation has been reverberating with words like "imported government" since previous chief Imran Khan's ouster as he faulted unfamiliar powers for his evacuation and establishment of the occupant rulers.

Why Pakistan never had a problem with imported squander," asked a board of trustees part while additional requesting what good reason international safe havens, services, significant divisions and bureaucratic and common legislatures never attempted to stop it.

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