How many years of schooling are required in Pakistan?>

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How many years of schooling are required in Pakistan?

Asked By
isheharyar isheharyar
Tech Entrepreneurs & Enthusiast working towards a better future for his country!
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Primary education in Pakistan is compulsory and covers grades one through five. After completing primary school, students may continue on to middle school, which covers grades six through eight. High school covers grades nine and ten, and upon completion of high school, students may obtain a Secondary School Certificate. Intermediate education covers grades eleven and twelve, and upon completion, students may obtain a Higher Secondary School Certificate.

Overall, students in Pakistan are required to complete a minimum of twelve years of schooling in order to obtain a Higher Secondary School Certificate and be eligible to apply to university. However, some students may choose to continue their education beyond this point, either by enrolling in university or by pursuing vocational or technical training.

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